English - B2 - Communication 02 - Solution
hat dieses Rätsel bis jetzt gelöst.
"[conjunction] used to change or correct something you have said * We told the truth, ... most of it. * Things have been going well recently. ... they were, up until two days ago."
"[conjunction] approximately * I think we raised five hundred dollars ... for the charity."
"[conjunction] used to say what will happen if another thing does not happen * We have to be there by six, ... we'll miss the beginning."
"[conjunction] used to give a reason for, explain, or correct something you have said * She must love her work ... she wouldn't have kept at it all these years."
"[conjunction] used to indicate a very small number, often no more than two * We will spend a day ... in Boston. * I'd like to ask our guest of honor to say a word …"
"[conjunction] used when you cannot or do not want to be exact about the information you are giving * The event was held in some park ... * We'll find someone ... to help us."
"[noun] when people have a different opinion about something or have an argument * They had a ... about/over money.* There was some ... with this view.* Literary critics were in total ... about the book."
"[noun] a written or spoken description of something that has happened * She gave a thrilling ... of her life in the jungle * The documents provide a detailed ... of the town's early history. * I would be very interested [in participating] and [writing] the ....s of our journeys"
"[noun] to consider something when judging a situation* A good architect … the building's surroundings."
"[noun] I think you have to... the fact that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us."
"[noun] because of something * He doesn't eat any dairy products ... the diet he is following."
"[noun] as said by a lot of people * The party was, ..., a great success. * I have known Michael Van Cleef for over two decades now, and he is, ..., an exemplary worker"
"[noun] one of the periods of time that the school or college year is divided into* The fall ... starts September 7 and ends December 22. Dear Anne, I'm writing to you to tell you that I want to study Business this …".
"[word] a word or phrase that is used to refer to a particular thing, especially in a technical or scientific subject * Erikson is said to have coined the … <identity crisis.> * Extreme overworking can [even] lead to death and that was discovered and confirmed by Jap[a]nese doctors who created a special medical ... for the [illness] caused by overworking"
"[noun] when you agree to something which is not exactly what you want * It is hoped that a … will be reached in today's talks.* You've both got to be willing to make …* In a ... between management and unions, a 4% pay increase was agreed to in return for an increase in productivity."
"[verb] to agree to something that is not exactly what you want * I'm not going to ... on quality * The famous stars and the journalists should ... and respect each other's rights."
"[verb] to have a harmful effect on something * The trial has been seriously …d by sensational media coverage * Sportsmen are usually under an enormous amount of pressure, because the slightest failure could ... their career. "
"[noun] a rude and offensive remark or action * They were shouting …s at each other.* Joko's mother would hurl … s at the poor old man, calling him sick and [hoping] that he'd die soon."
"[verb] to make someone's bad situation worse by doing something else to upset them * To add ... to injury, we had to pay for the damage! * To add .. to injury, such an approach often turns out to be counterproductive"
"[verb] to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive * How dare you … me in front of my friends * After all, [in] …ing the performers you ... their fans"
"[verb] to know or recognize something from what you hear, see, etc. * You can never ... whether Hajime's being serious or not.* I could … it was the voice of a man, but I failed to identify it. "
"[verb] used to suggest a plan * … you what, let's go swimming and then get a pizza * I'll … you what, why don't you let me pay [for] a hotel room for a week, just the time you need to [make] some arrangements?"
"[verb] used to say that you were right and that someone should have believed you * He's lazy? I ,,, you so, didn't I? * See, I ... you so, Azman said with a grin"
"[verb] to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong * The teacher … for swearing * Then he started shouting at me and … and I felt so bad that I burst into tears in front of [everyone]"
"[adjective ] saying that someone or something is bad or wrong * The report is highly ... of safety standards at the factory."
"[adjective ] of the greatest importance to the way things might happen * The President's support is ... to this project."
"[adjective] extremely serious or dangerous * The doctors said her condition was ... and she might not survive."
"[adverb] used to show that you believe something is very likely * Surely the trip with your parents will be very nice. "
"[adverb] used to express surprise that something has happened or is going to happen * ... you don't expect me to believe that? * ... he wasn't expecting us to pay the whole amount? * ... it doesn't mean that they have learn[ed] the exciting news? "
"[verb] to find out about something * Would you ... if the cake is ready when the timer rings?"
"[verb] to ask someone for permission to do something * I'd like to stay overnight, but I need to ... with my parents."
"[verb] to go to the counter at an airport, so that you can be told where you will be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the aircraft * Passengers must … two hours before the flight."
"[verb] to say who you are when you arrive at a hotel so that you can be given a key for your room * ... at the reception desk when you arrive."
"[verb] to try to discover how something is progressing or whether someone is doing what they should be doing * My boss is always ... me. "
"[verb] to leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key * We … of our hotel at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight."
"[verb] to go to a place in order to see what it is like * Let's ... that new dance club."
"[noun] a piece of paper given to you at a restaurant that shows how much you must pay for what you ate and drank * Would you like anything else? No, just the ..., please. * Did the waiter bring the ... yet?"
"[noun] an examination of something in order to make certain that it is correct or the way it should be * I have to do some medical … [on] my dog because I think it is very sick and may have a problem [with its] throat."
"[verb] to emphasize something or make people notice something * The report …s the need for stricter regulations * to ... a problem/danger"
"[noun] the best or most important part of something * The boat trip was one of the …s of our vacation * The Festival is one of the …s of the year for me and many others. "
"[adjective] There's an … accent on the <e> of café."
"[verb] to persuade someone to do something * She's managed to … doing a ten-mile run on the weekend. * However, it was last summer when I was in Sicily and met Sven, who was a dive teacher, and it was he who ... this hobby"
"[verb] to persuade someone not to do something * It's a ridiculous idea - I've tried to ... it.
"[verb] to discuss something with someone, often to find out their opinion or to get advice before making a decision * I'm going to … with Marty before I do anything about it. * She is important to me because I can go to her when I have a problem and we will ... until we find a solution"
"[noun] a speech made to a group of people about a particular subject * He gave a … about/on his visit to Bolivia. * I went to a few interesting …s."
"[verb] to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body or using other signals * We can now … instantly with people on the other side of the world."
"[verb] to be understood by someone when you tell them about your feelings and thoughts * He can't … with his parents. * I think I can ... with children and make them happy."
"[verb] to say something or give a signal to show what you mean or what you intend to do * Please … which free gift you would like to receive. * She …ed to me (that) she didn't want me to say anything."
"[verb] to show that something exists or is likely to be true * Recent evidence … s that the skeleton is about 3 million years old * These statistics might … quality problems."
"[verb] to agree with an idea, group, or person * Do you … their views on the environment?"
"[verb] to help to show that something is true * There's no evidence to … his story. * All the claims made on your leaflet weren't at all ... by evidence"
"[noun] agreement with an idea, group or person * Environmental groups have gained ... among young people * Is there much public ... for the proposal?"